Rozane Numbers

New Values Section

Rozane Royal

R      1       7 1/4 inches high

R      11       16 inches high

R      13       11 1/2 inches high

R      14        12 3/4 inches high

R      804       14 inches high

R      807       15 inches high

R      814       14 3/4 inches high

R      816       10 3/4 inches high

R      823       10 inches high

R      824       13 inches high

R      837       16 inches high

R      843       18 inches high

R      855       10 1/2 inches high

R      858       8 1/4 inches high

R      865       10 inches high

R      867       7 inches high

R      895       7 1/4 inches high

R      896       10 inches high

R      898        9 1/4 inches high

R      903       11 1/2 inches high

R      904       11 inches high

R      905       17 inches high

R      931       19 inches high

R      932       11 1/2 inches high

R      955       8 1/4 inches high

R      958       5 inches high

R      967       8 3/4 inches high

R      970       8 inches high

R      974       6 1/2 inches high

R      976       2 3/4 inches high

R      980       5  3/4 inches high

R      982       6 1/2 inches high

R      985       4 3/4 inches high

R      990       4 inches high

R      994       4 inches high

R      995       7 inches high

R      998       6 1/2 inches high


M      814       15 inches high

M      821       6 inches high

M      896       9 inches high

M      900       5 inches high

M      956       7 inches high

M      957       8 1/2 inches high

M      959       12 1/2 inches high

M      960       10 1/2 inches high

M      961       10 inches high

M     962        14 inches high


E      50          12 inches high

E      21           6 1/2 inches high

E      51          12 1/2 inches high

E      12          10 1/2 inches high

E      20          7 1/2 inches high

E      15          8 1/4 inches high

E      10          8 1/2 inches high

E      17          6 inches high


K      11        8 3/4 inches high

K      12        10 1/2 inches high

K      22        8 1/2 inches high

K      21        6 1/2 inches high

K      24        4 1/2 inches high

K      14        8 1/2 inches high

K      15        8 1/4 inches high


W      2           12 1/2 inches high

W      3           7 inches high

W      6            6 1/2 inches high

W      15          6 1/2 inches high

W      893        8 3/4 inches high

W      933        7 3/4 inches high

W      955        8 1/2 inches high

W      961         9 inches high

W      969        10 1/2 inches high

W      971        12 inches high

W      973        11 1/2 inches high

W      974        11 inches high

W      976        10 1/2 inches high

W       978       11 1/2 inches high

W      997       18 inches high

W      999       15 1/2 inches high

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